Thursday, 8 December 2011

Louis Theroux- Most hated family in America

The most hated family in America is a BBC documentary by Louis Theroux which first aired in the UK in 2007. It's about a 'christian family' living in Kansas, USA who are so against homosexuals that they go to extremes of starting inappriate pickets in places like was soldiers funerals. They use banners with sayings such as "God hates America" "You love fags and you hate God" and "Thank God for dead soldiers" and as most would expect, the passing public are unhappy and do thinks like swear at them and argue with them. Louis regularly interviews the family and in one interview with two young sisters they tell him "if people don't follow God's word then they hate God and they are going to hell". He also talks to another young girl from the community and in a conversation about marriage says that she doesn't want to get married because she doesn't have time and then refuses to answer many of Louis' questions and laughs in awkwardness when he clearly hits a soft spot. They also attend a picket at a local hardware store because they sell Swedish vacuum cleaners as a pastor was recently arrested in Sweden for preaching his anti-homosexual views. Pasta Fred Phelps had 14 children, but 4 had fallen from the church and when asked how many children he has he could not answer. Louis also attended one of their church services where Fred preached 'anti-fag' views and the the editing cross-cuts from Fred saying "you will eat your babies" then jumps to a shot of a baby. After even travelling to Chicago to picket a funeral, Louis says "try as I might, nothing will change Shirley's mind". Overall the documentary was successful as it looked at a group of people living a controversial lifestyle which people are interested in, often because they disagree. 

1 comment:

  1. Exploring the history of religion in US political discourse, not only does it polarise American society but religion also played a big role in determining the winner of the 2016 US presidential election. Will the same be true in 2020?

    #FactualAmerica #Podcast #MatthewSherwood #MostHatedFamilyInAmerica #USPresidentialElection #Religion #Politics #SeparationOfChurchAndState #EmmaLong #LouisTheroux #Societyandculture #Election2020 #America
